That’s me, Danielle De Luca, with my tiny humans.

 If you asked me if I had wanted children in my 20’s I would have said either “NO” or “I don’t know”.  I believed that I wasn’t qualified to be a mom because my mom died when I was 6. Suddenly, at 33, I wanted to have children and I gave birth to Jack at 36 and to Caroline at 37.

About 12 years earlier I was diagnosed with ADHD and got a handle on my overwhelming, dramatic, and tumultuous life by taking a holistic approach through education, exercise, nutrition and medicine.

Of course everything changes when you have children but I couldn’t understand why things felt SO chaotic ALL OVER AGAIN . I powered through with my first child, but after my second things spiraled out of control.  I ended up depressed and I couldn’t handle the sounds of my babies crying. I HATED the way pumping and breastfeeding felt.  I couldn’t focus on cooking with my children around me. I couldn’t keep up with the house work in my tiny house.  I wanted my dog to jump off our second story deck every time he barked and my relationship was in TATTERS. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of things that I hated. 

With some help and a little luck, I was able to climb out of the depths of hell and start to slowly normalize again.  I continued my research on ADHD and created completely new systems with the updated science. The MOST important insights I gained had to do with women’s hormones and ADHD. The worst part was that none of my care team or doctors had been educated on this. It was extremely frustrating and validating at the same time. I felt this this information NEEDED to be more readily available and I was called to do something about it. I received my life coaching certification and have dedicated my career to empowering people with ADHD to understand how it affects their mind and body to create a new world that TRULY supports them. LET’S SIMPLIFY YOUR CURRENT LIFE!